Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Concerns with the X-Men: First Class movie, so far

I'm start to worry about the X-Men: First Class film. It seems they are going for Twilight/Claire's crowd and leaving the comic book fans behind.

To give you some insight to my fears, here's a piece from io9:
We're nearing critical mass with all the casting rumors flying around right now, so let's see if we can't sort this out. First of all, Fox hasn't confirmed any of this, so at best we're talking about decent probabilities, but definitely not certainties.

So, let's see...
- Nicholas Hoult, who played the kid in About a Boy and more recently appeared as Eusebios in Clash of the Titans, is said to be playing Beast. That was the part Ben Walker was going to play before he dropped out. [Deadline]

- Aaron Johnson, who played Kick-Ass in Kick-Ass, is maybe reuniting with director Matthew Vaughn to play Cyclops. Or maybe not. One source says "this is one hundred percent locked at this point" and another says he definitely isn't appearing. [Ain't It Cool vs. Entertainment Weekly]

- Lucas Till, whom hopefully none of you remember from Hannah Montana: The Movie, is reportedly playing Havok, who is, among other things, the younger brother of Cyclops. He's sort of a minor character for an X-Men reboot, and people are speculating that this is another misdirection, a lot like that Willow rumor we reported earlier.

In that case, these obscure mutants are being used to mask the
real characters these actors are playing. Which could be the case, except the actress auditioning for Willow accurately described that character's powers, so... honestly, I don't know. All this second-guessing makes my head hurt. [EW again.]

- Finally, Caleb Landry Jones, who we previously mentioned is maybe playing Banshee, has been upgraded to quite probably playing Banshee. Of course, with all of this, nothing is official yet. [EW once more.]
With all of that, I have to wonder... What in Frak is going on? This doesn't seem like a X-Men movie, it's coming off like CW version of the horrid series, Mutant X.

So here are my concerns:
  1. Too many mutants. The first class should be about the original five, adding folks who didn't appear in the comic until 20 or 30 years later is ridic. Stick with the super 5 with a few folks like Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Mastermind running around.
  2. Why is the White Queen in this movie?
  3. There are many stories from the X-Men mythos, don't make up some mess like X-Men Origins- Wolverine.
  4. Willow's character is supposed to be Black, but the girl who may have the role is White.
  5. Don't make this about Magneto, please!
  6. Banshee is older than Scott and others. He should not be their age.
I'm sure there will be more concerns. And if my list reaches 30, I'm not seeing it.


  1. Agree with u on this movie mate.

    Will watch closely.

  2. I'm not going to see it. The X-Men movies left a bad taste in my mouth. Furthermore, I never liked the first all.

  3. In regards to your concerns:

    1. Amen! Matter of fact, reboot the dang thing and forget the other X-Movies, so that it can be Jean, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel and Beast.

    2. The need an excuse to have a scantily garbed chick running around.

    3. But you know they will.

    4. Maybe she has self hatred issues and shape shifts to being a white girl instead of black for acceptance....ok I tried. LOL!

    5. Hallelujah! Can we get somebody else from their villain pantheon, please!!

    6. Yes again, I have a feeling they may make him a teacher or something.
