Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mel Gibson: What in the Frak Happened to you?

What in the Hell happened to Mel Gibson?

I had a huge crush on him after I saw Lethal Weapon. But that was 1985... now... Oh, just listen

And it gets worst, he losing his Hollywood power.

Mel, get help today!


  1. It's sad, but some people just go crazy with age.

  2. Read an interesting article from the Southern Poverty Law Center about Mel & his father being major supporters of a splinter faction of the Roman Catholic church that thinks Vatican 2 was a Masonic plot led by Jews to destroy the church.

    His career as a general movie star may be over, but there are some White Power nutjobs that have taken notice and starting to like his attitudes.


  3. OMG - that is scary - Oh boy Mel - you need alot of help!

  4. Nothing happened to him, he was ALWAYS that way. People don't miraculously become a bigot overnight, it's always been there just never shown or expressed publicly. He didn't start to slip up and expose his bias in the past decade...

  5. He was a real looker when he was younger. He was awesome in Galipoli. But that was several lifetimes ago. He's wasted his talent because he can't get past his racist bigotry and screwed up values and beliefs. He's useless and just needs to fade into the sunset. What an asshole!
