Thursday, July 22, 2010

Interesting Quote: Steve Hildebrand

I brought it up because over the course of the past 1.5 years the progressive blogging community— not completely unfounded — has been incredibly critical of President Obama and oftentimes using pretty outrageous language almost to the point that it’s coming across as very mean-spirited and angry.

My three words were simple — "Don’t hate Obama" — and if I would have had a chance to elaborate, I would have said, ‘This is a guy who isn’t going to do things exactly the way you want him to do, but know that his heart is in the right place. He has his priorities, they’re in line with our priorities and he’s going to do them at his pace.

That at the end of this four-year period, and ideally an additional four years, I don’t think the gay community will be disappointed with the progress that we made under this president.

I think it’s very important that we keep pressure on the president, the White House, and the Administration, and on elected officials across the spectrum but to understand that President Obama is an incredibly important and good friend to the gay community in this country. He’s not our enemy, we shouldn’t treat him as if he were; we should keep our on eyes on who our real enemies are.

Steve answering a question about his introduction at a LGBT Netroots Nation event.

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