Monday, July 26, 2010

Interesting Quote: Elton John

"We are all very pleased to be playing in Arizona. I have read that some of the artists won't come here. They are (expletive)wits! Let's face it: I still play in California, and as a gay man I have no legal rights whatsoever. So what's the (expletive) with these people?"

That's Elton slamming other musicians for boycotting Arizona


  1. Elton is purely about his wallet.
    How else do we explain that he sang for Limbaugh and for Arizona.
    As for his statement that he doesn't boycott California because of Prop H8, well, like it or not, the voters voted that in [or out].
    Arizona's laws are being pushed on the state by Jan Eva Braun Brewer.

  2. Actually, the majority of registered voters in Arizona are for the measure passed by Governor Brewer and it is kind of lame sometimes when popular artists poke their noses into politics as if they have to endure the regular trials and tribulations of the common man. The Arizona law is harsh to me but I think people who enter this country ilegally should be deported...they can always come back legally if they so choose.
