Monday, July 26, 2010

I missed Pacey-Con!

While I was living it up at Comic Con, I missed an exciting event... Pacey-Con!

The actor, Joshua Jackson, was at Comic Con promoting his hit TV show, Fringe. But he decided to go back to his roots and play Pacey from Dawson's Creek; and host his own Pacey-Con.

blog was there and covered the fills:
Someone wandering around at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend happened to spot Fringe's Joshua Jackson. He says: "I was walking back to my hotel after eating at Cafe Diem to take a break and a small group of people were gathered on the lawn a distance from the convention center. They were standing around Joshua Jackson from 'Fringe', he was staging his own 'Pacey-Con', giving out fan fiction he wrote and getting pictures with the women, all while the 'Dawson's Creek' theme music played on a boom box, it was quite funny, to say the least."
I wish I saw this.


  1. That does sound like it was something to see...

  2. A. I love FRINGE
    B. Joshua is sooo cute
    C. Comicon is magical, and I gotta try to get there next year.
