Sunday, July 25, 2010

Great Hera! Somebody was stabbed at Comic Con!

I heard about this yesterday. I thought it was rumor, but it's true.

Here's the deal from Robot 6:

Multiple reports are emerging out of Comic-Con International this afternoon of a scuffle over seats in Hall H, ending in a stabbing. The massive room, where many of the film presentations are held, was locked down, and a man led away in handcuffs by police.

Although details are scarce at the moment, Dread Central reports the fight erupted just as the Resident Evil: Afterlife panel was ending about 4:45 p.m. PST. The fight between two attendees allegedly broke out when one of them refused to change seats. According to Dread Central, one man stabbed the other in the eye with a pen.

Here's an update CBR:

Sergeant Gary Mondesir of the San Diego Police Department spoke about the incident.

"Basically, inside of Hall H during Comic-Con, prior to one of the showings, two males got into a dispute," Sergeant Mondesir said. "One male attacked the other male, stabbing him on the side of his eye with a pen. Officers were relatively close by. Citizens within the hall detained the person. Officers came and arrested him, and right now we're processing the scene inside."

The victim was taken to UCSD Medical Center immediately for treatment while the suspect was arrested without incident thanks to the aid of attendees including, as Mondesir said, "The victim's friend actually assisted in taking the suspect into custody."

The sergeant explained that the dispute did break out after one person stated that the other person sitting through a panel to attend a later one should leave. "He'll be charged with assault with a deadly weapon due to the stabbing in the eye," he added of the next step in the investigation. "We are still processing the scene. We have a field evidence technician who's taking measurements and collecting evidence...The show is still going on. It happened in an area where we didn't have to stop the show. We can actually work around it and process the scene. It happened inside the hall but off to the side.

"We have numerous witnesses – I'm not at liberty to tell you how many – but we've taken their statements."

This is a mess, but telling about how Comic Con is ran. I will talk about that tomorrow.

And why is the attacker, Black?

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