Tuesday, July 13, 2010

For the Record: No Segregation of Gay Troops

What is it with Gay bloggers f**king up info or rewriting stuff like Texas Board of Education? It's a hot ass mess, for realz.

The latest drama comes from you know who... John Aravosis.

Yesterday he posted this:
The Pentagon confirmed on Friday that it is considering segregating gay troops, specifically with regards to creating separate showers and/or barracks for straight and gay troops. Advocate reporter Kerry Eleveld just transcribed the following quote from Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell at Friday's briefing about the new "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" survey:
"We think it would be irresponsible to conduct a survey that didn’t try to address these types of things. Because when DADT is repealed, we will have to determine if there are any challenges in those particular areas, any adjustments that need to be made in terms of how we educate the force to handle those situations, or perhaps even facility adjustments that need to be made to deal with those scenarios."
Segregation, folks. Separate but equal. In the year 2010. And from a black president, no less. How do you feel about the segregation of blacks in the first half of the 1900s? Did you think it was disgusting that African-Americans weren't permitted to drink out of our fountains, swim in our pools, sit at the front of the bus, share the same bleachers at a game, as the rest of us? Then why is it okay to even talk about segregating gays and lesbians? What would have happened to an Obama administration spokesman who talked about segregating blacks?
He goes on and on, but pretty much he ran this info as fact. Now, most folks who knows John's style should know to triple check his info, because it could be inflated or overhyped.

Well, some folks didn't and once again, took this for fact and posted this mess on their blogs.

Later, Chris Geidner got the truth and put it out there:

By time John Aravosis got a hold of it this morning, here's how Megan's carefully couched claim -- that, from my review of my recording still overstates what Morrell said, which was that "facility adjustments" were a hypothetical possibility -- had been twisted:

Does the White House not understand that a black president cannot institute a policy of segregation? Apparently they don't.

The Pentagon confirmed on Friday that it is considering segregating gay troops, specifically with regards to creating separate showers and/or barracks for straight and gay troops.

Of course, that wasn't what Morrell said -- and it wasn't even what Carpentier wrote. But, it's what Aravosis told the LGBT community and his readers today.

The segregation portion of Morrell's interview with Think Progress blogger Igor Volsky:

MORRELL: So, when I was asked, about the, you know – this is in the context of “why are you even asking these questions?” – well, we’re asking these questions because in our engagements with the force thus far, this has been an area of some concern. Now we need to test it to see if that holds for—if it really reflects the concerns of the force, and which members of the force. Is it older members? Is it younger members? Are they, you know—which ones? And, and then along with this information, the working group will make some recommendations about how to deal with those concerns. It could be, as I said, who knows? This could be dealt with through education programs, through training programs, or it may require “facilities adjustments.” But no one, no one is considering “separate but equal” bathing or living facilities for you know, gay and straight troops. That’s just not ever a consideration.

Q: So that’s off the table.

MORRELL: Absolutely off the table.

I don't get people sometimes. The truth was out there and folks just ran their own story. I need to know if they think about the impact this foolishness. Because of John's crappy post, I saw too many racist comments and I tell you, I wasn't Gay and proud at all when I read them.

It's really sad to see.


  1. It really is disgraceful when bloggers don't relay information and then comment on it, but change it to suite themselves. Very sad.

  2. V, you know by now that Pam Spaulding is a sychophant for anything spread throughout the Gay-blogosphere. That's why I lost all respect for her awhile back because she along with that certain black gay male blogger with delusions of grandeur doesn't fact check the rhetoric rather just regurgitate it...
