Thursday, July 1, 2010

Donald Carcieri is an Asshole

Donald Carcieri is the Governor of Rhode Island and he's a huge asshole!

He just vetoed a bill to expand Hate Crime law in the state:
House Bill 7044/Senate Bill 2055 proposed the addition of gender identity or expression to Rhode Island’s hate crimes statute. Carcieri vetoed the measure because he said the law already addresses actions "motivated by racial, religious, sexual orientation, gender or disability prejudice."

House Speaker Gordon D. Fox issued a statement shortly after Carcieri vetoed the measure.
"I have just learned of the governor’s vetoes, which were sent late last night, and have begun to review the veto messages," said Fox. "I made the House membership aware of the eight vetoes this morning. I look forward to discussing these bills further with House members and the Senate leadership. No decision has been made at this time about returning to address the vetoes."

Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders encouraged LGBT Rhode Islanders to urge their legislators to override Carcieri’s veto.
What a dick!


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