Thursday, July 1, 2010

Could it Take 5 years for ENDA to pass?

At the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club Pride breakfast, Rep. Jackie Speier said that ENDA could take 5 year to pass.

Bay Area Reporter states:

Addressing the crowd of gay and straight political and community leaders at Sunday's Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club Pride breakfast, Speier said, "Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi is doing all she can to ensure a majority for next year so we can pass ENDA."

Asked later in a brief interview if that meant the House would not vote on ENDA this year, Speier told the B.A.R. , "The rest of the year is in question."

"There's no question 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' will be history this year," she said. "ENDA, we will have that law for sure within the next five years."

Speier, a Democrat whose district includes parts of San Mateo and San Francisco counties, said she was acknowledging reality.

"I'm being realistic," she said.

Now before everybody goes all 'Chicken Little', just realize a couple of things.

  1. This is not a complete fact. This is her view and opinion. There is no proof of this yet.
  2. It may take until next year to iron out several kinks with ENDA, so next year makes a little more sense.
  3. This is not about priorities and how 'we' don't count. It's about getting the votes and the support. So work will need to be done.
As some of you may have expected, several gay activists jumped the gun and ran around screaming "The sky is Falling!!" But there's no need for that. Let's wait to get the full story.

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