Monday, July 19, 2010

Bryan Singer wanted Taylor Lautner in the X-Men

I thought this was a joke or a rumor, but apparently it wasn't.

See for yourself:

X-Men producer and writer Bryan Singer cleared up some X-Men: First Class rumors for us at the unlikeliest of places—a church in Hollywood, where he was a guest speaker on Sunday. After the hour-long talk, Singer talked to us about the casting—which he is in the middle of doing at the moment. Kevin Bacon is in; Taylor Lautner is out, for now; Meagan Good is uncertain.

"I wanted Taylor [Lautner] to do it, I really did," Singer said in an exclusive interview. "He's doing a movie in Pittsburgh called Abduction and then he's got the next Twilight movie. We talked about it a lot, he is a friend, and I really wanted to make it work. It just doesn't look like it's possible to do it."

Really? I'm really starting to feel like this movie... You know what? I'll keep hope alive. This could be a bomb ass movie like Inception... okay I doubt that, but it can still be really good (fingers crossed).


  1. I wish he could be in it - I would go see it b/c of him!

  2. At this point this movie has been having casting calls for or has casted:

    Ramrod-no idea who this even is!
    Sebastian Shaw
    Emma Frost
    Moira Mctaggert
    Multiple Man
    Willow-XMen 2099?? Really!!??

    Vic, you don't think this is starting to look like the cluster that X3 and Wolverine was?? It seems like they are just throwing in mutants to be throwing them in. Also at this point you have The X-Men, Hellfire Club, Brotherhood of Mutants, and the Marauders!!

    Plus, no Jean Grey or Iceman?(so far) How is this the first class? I would assume that Taylor was going to be Thunderbird or a villain of some kind.

    Why are you holding out hope?

  3. I want to be so wrong, Kwan. But I think this could be a hot mess.

  4. It could be Vic. I understand that in the first X-Men movie, it is a full fledged school with tons of mutants running around. If this is the start of that then fine. Having a bunch of students is cool. Even if they wanted to go the Hellions route and have Emma already starting her school and let her have some of the evil mutants in her ranks. I think that could work too. They may even have Havok with them like they did in Ultimate X-Men. Which could set up a good conflict between the student leaders of either school. (Havok being Scott's brother.)

    Continuity seems like it will be an issue though. It seems strange that Jean is easily one of the oldest X-men in the first three movies. We even see how old Xavier and Magneto are when they come to recruit her, which is older than the characters will be playing them in this new movie. So how can she be older than Scott, yet obviously is recruited at a younger age by an older Xavier and Magneto?? Also not sure how Angel will figure into things since he's not familiar with the X-Men at all until the last of the movies. It just looks like it'll be a continuity be damned situation.

    We'll see how things progress!!! Hopefully it'll all make sense. I would have rather they rebooted and worked this X-Men group to fit in with the Iron Man, Thor, Cap, Avengers thing. The movies wouldn't have to cross over all you'd need is a cameo from Nick Fury to show that the gov't knows what's going on and is keeping an eye on them. It would also be useful if they plan on adding Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to the Avengers ranks in future movies.

  5. Also to Mechadude, he would be neat as Northstar!!
