Friday, June 4, 2010

Whatever Happened to The "Star Wars Kid"?

Do y'all remember Star Wars Kid? If not, here's a refresher

Bless his heart... this is Ghyslain Raza and was a high school student then.

Back in 2002, Ghyslain made a video of himself doing these fighting moves. Some students found the tape and uploaded it on YouTube during it's early days. Once the video was uploaded, his classmates watched it and ridiculed him badly for it.

The pressure from that video caused Ghyslain to go into depression. He also needed psychiatric help just to cope. His family sued the classmates who posted the video and later settled out of court.

As time passed, the video became a cult hit. It was remixed, remastered and even featured on Family Guy and The Colbert Report.

But what happened to Ghyslain? Well, he bounced back. He is a law student at Montreal’s McGill University and a president of a nonprofit organization, preserving the culture and heritage of a town called, Trois-Rivières.
I'm glad he got his life back on track. Although he went through some painful times, I'm sure he is stronger and better for it. So congrats to him!

Geeks always prevail.


1 comment:

  1. Bless his heart is right! I had never seen this vid (or even heard of it) and couldn't understand what the big deal was about a teen practicing combat moves, but then I watched it. Poor kid. This is why I will NEVER tape myself doing ANYTHING.
