Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tropical Storm turns Ugly in Guatemala

This is not a Hellmouth, this is real.
In Guatemala, a tropical storm caused a huge, huge sinkhole that destroyed a residential area.

CNN reports:

The devastation has been widespread throughout Guatemala with mudslides destroying homes and buildings and burying some victims. At least nine rivers have dramatically higher levels and 13 bridges have collapsed, the nation's emergency services said.

In the northern part of Guatemala City, the downpour created a giant sinkhole that swallowed up a space larger than the area of a street intersection. Residents told CNN that a three-story building and a house fell into the hole.

A local newspaper reported that a private security guard was killed when the sinkhole opened up, but authorities had not confirmed the fatality. Residents said that a poor sewage drainage system underground was to blame for the sinkhole.

Wow, it's terrifying and yet, fascinating. When I saw this yesterday, I had to share. I can't stop looking at this.


  1. It looks so unreal.
    And scary.

  2. almost a perfect circle.

  3. It looks like something from a movie...

    I wonder if the hole goes all the way to china? :)

  4. Where is Buffy?!
    Surely i just...
    Uhm, that is big. Oh my god I wonder how deep it is?
