Monday, June 14, 2010

Question of the Day: True Blood Edition

What did you think of the premier?


  1. My friend I watch True Blood hated it; thought it was slow and boring. Really? I'm curious to see what the other people have to say, but for me personally, it left me wanting more! I loved it. Some good quotes throughout. PLUS: I gained a new appreciation for both Pam and Eric (WOW!)

  2. It was good, especially the shot of Eric's ass, and of course Bill and Sam - almost there.
    But Tara - please - can someone please put her out of misery.

  3. Loved it! Jam packed with all sorts of bloody goodness - But Bill's car ride/abduction with the "rough trade"- V drinkers, and Sam's dream had to be my favorite moments.

  4. Haven't watched yet - hope to watch tonight after work! Tonys were on last night, and consumed me!

  5. I thought it was a nice kick off, gay wet dreams, Pam has a bigger role, Hoyt's got a new look, and Lafayette has his spark back.
    I had a feeling the kiss between Bill and Sam would be a dream sequence. But I love that Sam is havin' gay wet dreams.

  6. I liked it ok Victor. Eric moved up to a new level for me....achemm. But I worry that it may get overwrought with characters. So much so that none of the primary folks get developed much. Especially since all the info you provided shows we have a TON of new characters who have yet to show up. All the tertiary characters are slipping up to primary rather than supporting roles. I just worry that it will get diluted a bit is all. Overkill.

    Which current characters do you think they could kill off or push to the back and not be missed? I'd get rid of Bill's newly made vampire girl as well as the Queen.
