Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas retires

The White House legendary correspondent, Helen Thomas, will retire effective immediately.

This decision came after her controversial comments on Israel.

If you didn't know what she said, here it is:

Helen apologized saying:
"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."
The White House said:
"Helen Thomas' comments were indefensible and the White House Correspondents Association board firmly dissociates itself from them," the WHCA said in a statement. "Many in our profession who have known Helen for years were saddened by the comments, which were especially unfortunate in light of her role as a trail blazer on the White House beat."



  1. OK, she was harsh and somehow inaccurate, but I understand where she's coming from. She was around when the Holocaust happened, and I'm sure she can remember when they came up with this little crazy idea of giving some land back to (the descendants of) who lived there nineteenth centuries ago, not caring too much about those who had been living there in the meantime.

  2. While I'm not defending her statement it just goes to show if you dare speak out against the Zionist Israel there will be hell to pay.

  3. a sad end to a glorious career. it seems unfair to me. israel may have been a necessity, but at what cost? everybody is still paying the price for it, no matter on which side of the borders they stand. while history proves israel is there to stay, despite some people's best efforts... the palestinian issue needs to be addressed urgently, or it will just keep on escaladating,
    and the damages would be horrific.

    good bye helen!!
    you had a good run!!

  4. As a Jew I find this really hard to comment on.

    She is extremely intelligent.

    She is extremely well-read.

    And yet - this is an extremely weird comment for someone like her to say really.


  5. In a number of ways, Israel has brought this type of criticism on itself. If they would stop letting zionists run that nation into the ground while continuing to stir the pot. The way the Zionists have carried on for decades and ensured that there will be Palestinian and other Muslims will be rooting for Israel's demise for a time to come.

    Everybody deserves access to the the 'Holy Land' surrounding Jerusalem, so it should be considered a neutral ground. Problem solved.
