Saturday, June 5, 2010

Guess Who's singing at Rush Limbaugh's Fourth Wedding?

Sir. Elton John.

Why? Honey, I couldn't tell you, just see here:

It's wedding bells for Rush Limbaugh – for the fourth time.

The conservative firebrand, 59, will exchange vows Saturday in Florida with Kathryn Rogers – a blond bombshell half his age – in a lavish Hawaiian-themed wedding bash headlined by none-other-than Sir Elton John.

It's an odd pairing considering El Rushbo's history of anti-gay commentary on his conservative radio show and the openly gay "Tiny Dancer" singer's longtime commitment to gay rights.

The Palm Beach Post reported the British superstar will pocket $1 million for playing the wedding reception at the posh Breakers Hotel.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. This is Rush Limbaugh, a man who is not a fan of gays, Blacks, independent women and just about everything Elton loves.

Very interesting.



  1. LOL at Mechadude! I say WTH to Elton John. It seems like he is just trying to make his wedding a media spectacle. More attention for Rush! Still not sure what Elton's motivation is...but I would get scared as soon as he gets the mike at the ceremony. No telling what Elton may feel fit to say to the crowd at his wedding. Could be a good opportunity to tell the suckers what he thinks of them. After he sings "The Bitch Is Back" of course! ;)

  2. I see it like this: Many of the people feigning indignation over this are the ones who have a narromwminded view about themselves and others. Given their malfeasance, why should they be mad at Elton for doing this? Why should anyone exactly?

    And the end of the day, Elton will release another hit or say something nice about another ostracised gay teen and everyone will fall back in line again.

  3. What is wrong with that woman for marrying him? It's nauseating to even think about.

    I guess Elton has his own reasons for doing that.

  4. I don't know - a million dollar paycheck is nothing to scoff at. But it seems like taking Blood Money to me.

