Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Gay Man was beaten by 2 Marines over some Foolishness

In Savannah, GA, 2 dumb ass Marines, with deep insecurities, beat up a Gay man because they thought he was flirting with them. Thought is the magic word here.

Savannah Now reports:

About 3:45 a.m., a metro police officer was patrolling when he saw two men running on Congress Lane. Moments later, the officer received a call about a man at Congress and Bull streets unconscious on the ground.

The officer rushed to the intersection and found 26-year-old Kieran Daly motionless with friends performing first aid, a report stated.

The officer caught up with the two men who were running away, identified as Keil Joseph Cronauer, 22, and Christopher Charles Stanzel, 23. Police records show both men are stationed at Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort, S.C.

Cronauer and Stanzel told police they were being harassed by a gay man and wanted to get away from him. But witnesses painted a different picture, according to the report.

They told police one of the men grew angry because he thought Daly was winking at him and struck Daly in the back of the head with his fist, knocking him unconscious.

Saturday night, from his bed at Memorial University Medical Center, Daly insisted he tried to convince the Marines he was not winking at them.

"The guy thought I was winking at him," Daly said. "I told him, 'I was squinting, man. ... I'm tired.'"

Daly said one of the men told him he demanded respect because he served in Iraq. And at least one hurled slurs at him as he tried to walk away.

"That's the last thing I remember is walking away," Daly said.

Daly said after his friends performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the scene, he was taken to Memorial University Medical Center and diagnosed with bruises to his brain. He had two seizures immediately after the attack and was expected to remain at Memorial for several days.

Meanwhile, Cronauer and Stanzel were booked into Chatham County jail on battery charges and later released to military police, according to jail and police records.

This is so ridic. I used to live in Southern Georgia and partied in Savannah every weekend. We never felt threaten or even thought something like this would happen. Those boys are fools and I hope more is done to them.


  1. And I don't care if he was winking at them or not. I hope the next time they try to prove their 'masculinity' and flirt with some girl, I hope she knocks the crap outta them, cause she isn't interested in insecure Neanderthals.

  2. It's not a crime to wink at someone and such a gesture does not require self defense. Any jury in the world would recognize that the victim was not a threat to these two "boys", not that they will ever see a jury since they have been turned back over to Military Jurisdiction and will likely never even be tried.

    And as for deserving my respect, no, motherfuckers, you don't deserve ANYONE's respect! I didn't ask you losers to defend my country, and would quite honestly prefer to have it defended by some nice, respectful homosexuals who know how to respond to a flattering wink by simply saying, "thanks, but I'm not interested."

    And finally, not only are they a couple of self-loathing closet cases, they are probably nasty pig bottoms. Miss Ginger's gaydar is rarely wrong!
