Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rachel Maddow talks to Rand Paul about Civil Rights

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  1. I think the better part of Rand Paul dribbled down his mothers leg.

    You can see that he's trying to spin it any way you can but he's not nearly as smart as he holds himself out to be.

    And his trying to deflect questions from Maddow is telling. He's a hardcore Repug, not a Tea Bagger but a Repug.

    His claim about Boston needs to be looked at from another perspective too. Population densities in the northeast are much higher than other parts of the nation.

    So that might explain the early adoption on Boston transit systems in the early 19th century.

  2. You haven't never lied about him being nothing, but a socially conservative Republican. I've done an ample amount of research on him and it shows he and his father are enemies of social progressives and federal same-sex unionship ("same-sex marriages") legislation. The fact that this fool attempted to creation a diversion to protect himself from being called out as a "racial bias enabler". However, anybody with common sense can see through his transparent ass and his hollow rhetoric. I wish him and his aversive racist daddy would go the hell away!
