Friday, May 21, 2010

Question of the Day

What was the first scary/horror movie you ever saw?


  1. I think "Hellraiser" was my first horror flick...I remember not knowing what was happening until the very end...All I remember was this dirty, nasty mattress and something growing out of it! LOL

  2. Don't laugh....after all I am old. "The Tingler" (1959) I actually saw it in an old run down theatre here in NJ.

  3. Oh Stan stop, I know about 'The Tingler' it's a classic

  4. I grew up watching "horror" movie reruns on TV...but they are tame by today's standards: Dracula's Daughter, The Boston Strangler, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Son of Dracula, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, etc.

  5. OMFG - It was the original The Omen - that little kid gave me nightmares for MONTHS!!! - I think I was like 9 ?!?!?!?!!?? - *shudder*

  6. I didn't really get to see any horror movies until I was too old for them to be scary.

    The closest I came was commercials. There was a commercial that had someone laying in bed when all of a sudden a hand comes out from under the bed and grabs his face. I don't know how may nights I spent taking running leaps into the bed to keep from standing close to the side of my bed. My bed was also in the corner of my room against the wall and I slept in the upper corner to stay as far away from the bed edge as possible!

    Now as an adult I realize that the commercial was for Friday the 13th(not sure which one).

  7. "It's Alive" -- have yet to see it but as a kid I was freaked out by the commercial. Gentle tinkling lullaby as the camera focuses on the basinet -- yes, the very one on the poster you show. But not till the camera slowly moves around the basinet do you see -- the claw! And the gentle lullaby turns into a dissonant wail.

    That and the ad for "Magic" which featured a huge close-up of a ventriloquist's dummy -- the two scariest commercials of my childhood. Have yet to see "Magic", too.

    As a kid I remember a few scary movies from TV -- "The Black Scorpion", for instance; had to run into the other room when the giant scorpion attacked! Now I'd probably laugh. Ah well. I like monster movie horror movie. I don't like torture or stalker horror movies.

  8. It was "The Horror of Dracula" with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee! I was about 7 I think...the second might have been Phantasm!
