Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More GetEQUAL heckling Foolishness

Great Hera!
Kip Williams from GetEQUAL thought it would be cute to heckle Obama on DADT. He wasn't received very well for his act.

And Kip was arrested. Seems like that's all they ever get accomplished in their 'fight'.


  1. I like GETEQUAL; I like what they're doing, alot. But how many times has it been said that they need to get themselves an image consultant and better advisors?

  2. and the more GetEQUAL does that..the more difficult you make it for GLBT AA's to deal with our own community.

    Nut y'all don't care about that, do you?

  3. Ooops! I didn't see this post until after I commented above.
    I don't mind heckling, but it does have it's place. Like when sister Sarah speaks.

  4. I believe it stands for African Americans

  5. Thank you; now for Monica to clarify how calling out GetEqual and demanding accountability and or transparency is a bad thing.

  6. I think the only thing they want to accomplish is to get arrested. The more they get arrested, the more they get their name in the news. This is their PR strategy. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. They're keeping their name in the news to build momentum for fundraising. And they're raising funds to start an organization that will create jobs for Robin McGehee, Kip Williams and a select group of friends. It's an ingenious idea - as far as the job creation bit is concerned - but it will definitely hurt the LGBT community. Kip looked stupid and he made every other gay person look stupid, too.
