Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lane Hudson wants to "Un-Invite" Mayor Fenty from Capital Pride

Last week D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty made a mistake.

He accidentally gave a certificate of appreciation to the leader of the ex-gay movement called, PFOX. When the issue was discovered, he apologized. His spokesperson, Mafara Hobson, said it was a “staff-level error” and released this statement.
“We apologize for the error as it runs contrary to the mayor’s vision of a more open and inclusive city,” Hobson said. “The mayor is proud of his ardent support of the LGBT community.”
Now, those who knows Fenty, knows he's a strong advocate for LGBT rights. But apparently, some don't, like Lane Hudson.

He has started a Facebook page to Un-Invite Fenty from the Pride events. Here's a sample.
Six months after the Certificate was discovered, a spokesperson from the Mayor's office blamed a "low level staff error" for the Certificate. However, the Mayor has been silent on the issue and refuses to apologize and retract this Certificate.

This is a serious matter and must be addressed in a serious way by the Mayor.
His refusal to take responsibility is a complete abdication of leadership. We as a community must stand up to anyone that gives credence to harmful organizations like PFOX.

Please join others who are demanding that Mayor Adrian Fenty be un-invited from participation in Capital Pride until all three of the following conditions are met:

1) Formally retract this Certificate of Appreciation

2) Personally take responsibility for your office's actions instead of blaming a "staff level error"

3) Issue a statement condemning PFOX.

I think Lane is overreacting. Fenty is a staunch supporter of our rights. I believe this could have been a mistake. But you know how some LGBT activists are, over the top or overboard.


  1. As I've said before, some within the LGBT movement is too busy trying to condemn any fellow minority just to win some type of cool points. If they man's track record shows that he is an ally then believe him rather than trying to throw him under the bus.
