Thursday, May 13, 2010

Interesting Quote: George Rekers

"I confessed to the Lord and to my family that I was unwise and wrong to hire this travel assistant after knowing him only one month before the trip and not knowing whether he was more than a person raised in a Christian home. I also confessed to the Lord and to my family the sin of thereby putting myself into a vulnerable situation where I tragically became subject to false allegations. And I have committed myself to ongoing meetings with an experienced pastor and counselor from my church, so I can more fully understand my weaknesses and prevent this kind of unwise decision-making in the future."

So is he kind of admitting he enjoyed the 'long stroke'?



  1. I see this as a recoil. He is getting his mind and his story "straight", so he can sue the Miami News Times. Honestly, that's probably his last opportunity to get big time money for a while. His credibility is shot.

  2. I almost feel sorry for him.
    So closeted, so self-loathing. I mean to utter words of contempt for the person you are has got to be far more soul-wrenching than anything else.

  3. Travel Assistants? Is that what they're calling whores these days?

  4. In the sound effect from the old Wendy William Experience radio show: "I'M GAY, I'M A HOMO, I LIKE GUYS!" "OOOOOOO, HOW U DOIN'!, ALRIIIIGHT! AWWW!"
