Monday, May 17, 2010

Gov. Pawlenty vetoes the 'Burial Rights' bill for Gay couples

Real smart move, Tim. Real smart.

This son of a jackal just vetoed gay couples' rights to bury their partners.
Citing his support for “traditional marriage,” Gov. Tim Pawlenty vetoed a bill on Saturday that would allow a surviving same-sex partner to sue to recover damages in the case of wrongful death and to execute a deceased partner’s funeral wishes. Sen. Scott Dibble, DFL-Minneapolis, called the veto “partisan extremism,” and Project 515 said Pawlenty got his “facts wrong.”

Pawlenty said the bill “addresses a nonexistent problem” saying that same-sex couple must simply draw up the appropriate paperwork. He also said that a “surviving domestic partner” should not be “afforded the same legal recognition” as a spouse.

“Marriage — as defined as between a man and a woman — should remain elevated in our society at a special level, as it traditionally has been,” said Pawlenty in his veto message. “I oppose efforts to treat domestic relationships as the equivalent of traditional marriage.”

Nonexistent problem? We are a nonexistent problem, Tim? That's so nice to hear, you bastard.



  1. At least here in RI the governor vetoed and the legislature overrode the veto.
