Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dr. Ron Kirkland and Randy Smith are Assholes

In my home state of Tennessee, foolishness is always given in abundance. And Dr. Ron Kirkland and Randy Smith have plenty to give.

These Republican candidates were at a Tea Party forum, talking about Obama and other mess Repubs hate.

When the issue of DADT came up, this what they had to say:
Kirkland, a Vietnam veteran, said of his time in the military: "I can tell you if there were any homosexuals in that group, they were taken care of in ways I can't describe to you."

Smith, who served in the first Iraqi war, added: "I definitely wouldn't want to share a shower with a homosexual. We took care of that kind of stuff, just like (Kirkland) said."

Really? They took care of stuff like that... That's going to win you votes, guys. Well, this sparked a backlash and groups like The Tennessee Equality Project is demanding an apology.

Kirkland has not apologized and Smith said he was joking, but has not apologized.


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