Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bomb scare in Times Square

Lord, craziness in NYC! Cops found an unexploded bomb in a burning car in Times Square.
Several blocks of New York's Times Square remained shut down early Sunday morning as a robot from the city police department's bomb squad checked for explosives after an officer saw smoke coming from a box inside a parked car.

The police department's public information office said the box and other items found in the search are not confirmed at this time to be a bomb.

A law enforcement source said police found propane cylinders and a gas can among the items. The source said these could be supplies used by street vendors.

The Department of Homeland Security said it was monitoring the developments. President Obama, who was updated on the situation late Saturday night, said the federal government was prepared to provide support.

This leads to so many things, so many questions.



  1. It's as bad as it seems. I hope they find someone responsible soon!

  2. There are already news outlets stating that Islamic radicals are behind it.

    Whip up that terror factor. Just whip it up. Have to keep justifying our occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.
