Sunday, May 16, 2010

1st Openly Gay Bishop, Mary Glasspool was Ordained By Episcopal Church

History was made this weekend. Mary Glasspool, the 1st lesbian Bishop was ordained by the Episcopal Church.

HuffPo reports

The Rev. Canon Mary Glasspool, of Baltimore, was ordained and consecrated on Saturday, making her the second openly gay bishop in church history and one of the first two female bishops in the Diocese of Los Angeles' 114-year history.

She was installed at Long Beach Arena before 3,000 people, who burst into applause at the end, church spokesman Bob Williams said.

Just before the ceremony began, a man stood, shouted about the need to repent and held up a sign that read "Do not be deceived, homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God."

After he was escorted out, a young boy in the same section rose holding a Bible and shouted similar slogans. Security guards also led him out.

Of course there would be some foolishness, but no matter, Mary's day was truly a historic one.

1 comment:

  1. When I went to church, I was an Episcopalian and am not surprised by all this! Way to go!

    What bothers me so much is when children spew the hatred taught by their parents.
