Sunday, April 25, 2010

WTFrak Moments in Last Week's Gay Rights Stuff

Last week we saw some interesting steps in the Gay Rights movement. However, there are some things that gave me a WTF moment from this events.

Much to ado about a Face- Kerry Eleveld and several others talked about the "DARK ANGER" in Obama's face when he was heckled here in L.A. It's interesting that so many assumptions are drawn from this, or the belief his frown is a sign a change.

Dan Choi believing Robert Gibbs forced the media away from GetEQUAL protest in D.C.- He tweeted this odd statement: "Press Sec'y Gibbs was in park; park closed. Rookie cop? We got names. Stay tuned. Gibbs muzzle press."
Uh, okay. But Gibbs doesn't have that type of power. In fact, Gibbs was going to lunch, so that conspiracy theory should die.

Robin McGehee's crazy ass rant at Jared Polis over ENDA. Remember, he's on our side, Robin!

Remixing Obama's SOTU address- Obama said this about DADT in his State of the Union address:
"This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are. It's the right thing to do."
But somewhere that statement turned into, Obama was repealing DADT this year. Now, when I heard that statement, I didn't get "this year", I heard "will work to repeal it this year". Now all of a sudden, folks are claiming that Obama lied and betrayed us. Really? Maybe folks' perceptions betrayed them.

GetEQUAL- I saw these people at the Sen. Boxer's rally, and all I can say is "whoa". I'm concerned that this group will tarnished some things. So far, they just make folks mad instead of making changes.


  1. They. Are giving. A bad to the gay community , like rally chill the fuck out thats why people are not taking us so seriously. All they doing is blowing hot air and not really making a difference.

  2. They. Are giving. A bad to the gay community , like rally chill the fuck out thats why people are not taking us so seriously. All they doing is blowing hot air and not really making a difference.
