Wednesday, April 7, 2010

WATCH: Rep. Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin unleash Omega Crazy in Minn.

1 comment:

  1. Take Michele Bachmann.….Please. She recently suggested that the whole purpose of the census was so the government will know where the best places to set up internment camps will be. I realize that this silly woman has the IQ of your average hummingbird, but surely she must know that that statement is complete and utter nonsense. What does that tell you about her? It tells me more than I need to know. If there has been a more despicable demagogue in my lifetime I am not aware of it. In October of 2008, in an appearance on the Chris Matthews program, she stated (with a straight face, I swear) that all Democratic members of the House and Senate should be investigated for their “anti-Americanism”. I’m not makin’ this stuff up, folks. It makes one wonder if she’s ever given the Constitution even a passing glance.


    You gave us Bob Dylan, Judy Garland, Garrison Keillor and Eugene McCarthy. Is this half-witted twit the best you can do? Seriously.

    The question needs to be posed: When and where will the first act of extreme violence be carried out? Think it won’t happen? It will happen and soon. The encouragement by these “responsible” legislators and commentators virtually guarantees as much. For months they have been egging on their mindless masses and it’s only a matter of time before one of them goes over the edge.

    Tom Degan
