Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tea Party Endorses Racist and Fool, Carl Paladino

This ain't nothing new, of course the Tea Party would endorse liars, racists and crackpots.

Their favorite loser, Carl Paladino.

Carl is their top person for Governor of New York. However, HuffPo exposed some interesting things about this, uh, man.

As the Huffington Post uncovered last week, the multi-millionaire developer has a history of being "racially offensive" and putting forth derogatory comments. Today the blog WNYmedia.net published a series of bombshell emails that Paladino sent around or forwarded on to friends, associates and coworkers.

These emails run the gamut from your standard email chain smut to greatly disturbing racist imagery.

Many of the latter type of emails targeted President Obama and his wife Michelle.

When confronted, this was his response:

There's a whole lot more, go here


  1. What a piece of shit.

    Don't worry, Andrew Cuomo will blow him out of the water come Election Day.


  2. Terribly sad V. Even when people have money, clout, fame, or power, ignorance and hate shine the brightest of all their assets.

  3. Who forwards things like that? And the things you posted weren't even the worst of it. I agree with the other posters. http://bit.ly/awwdTS
