Saturday, April 10, 2010

Somebody Slap Mike Huckabee!

Mike Huckafool was running his mouth about everything last week, mostly about us.

His views on DADT:
“I wouldn’t support a repeal if I were commander-in-chief. You don’t see foot soldiers out there demanding it. I’m not sure that’s the most important thing we ought to be doing for the military. I think we certainly should be very sensitive to the fact that the purpose of the military is not to see if we can create social experiments.”
His statement on gay marriage:
"You don’t go ahead and accommodate every behavioral pattern that is against the ideal. That would be like saying, well, there are a lot of people who like to use drugs, so let’s go ahead and accommodate those who want who use drugs. There are some people who believe in incest, so we should accommodate them. There are people who believe in polygamy, so we should accommodate them."

His view on gays adoption:

"I think this is not about trying to create statements for people who want to change the basic fundamental definitions of family. And always we should act in the best interest of the children, not in the seeming interest of the adults. Children are not puppies. This is not a time to see if we can experiment and find out, how does this work?"

Oh, this man... And I don't mean that in a good way.


  1. Question? I just copied and pasted those quotes from your blog and it automatically inserted a link back to your blog. How did you get it to do that?

  2. Sozo, I have no idea how that works
