Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rush says the Volcanic eruption is God’s Anger toward the health care bill

You know, a couple of days after the health care bill had been signed into law Obama ran around all over the country saying, “Hey, you know, I’m looking around. The earth hadn’t opened up. There’s no Armageddon out there. The birds are still chirping.” I think the earth has opened up. God may have replied. This volcano in Iceland has grounded more airplanes — airspace has more affected — than even after 9/11 because of this plume, because of this ash cloud over Northern and Western Europe. At the Paris airport they’re telling people to head to the train station to catch trains out of France, and when people get to the train station they’re telling people, “There aren’t any seats until at least April 22nd,” basically a week from now. It’s got everybody in a shutdown. Earth has opened up. I don’t know whether it’s a rebirth or Armageddon. Hopefully it’s a rebirth, God speaking.

To hear this mess, go here

This is truly sad and silly. But how many folks will believe this?


  1. No one's going to actually believe it, they'll just use it as an excuse to put away their critical thinking skills and live their lives as ignorant asswipes because of this man.

  2. I guess God needs glasses because he missed the mark here in the US and hit Europe instead.
    What a disgraceful excuse for a human being he is. I mean a few people get inconvenienced at an airport and it's Armageddon! What about all the pain and suffering in the US that the healthcare bill will prevent. I suppose you could counter with the argument that if God was truly against the healthcare bill , he'd have pulled his weight and prevented its passage, instead, he helped pass it through. Of course, since we're not idiotic wingnuts, we don't need to make arguments in God's name.

  3. That idiot also forgot the earthquakes in Haiti and China; the floods in Brazil and the recent debarcle with Goldman Sachs - what an idiot!

  4. I thought he was moving to Costa Rica....

  5. So if I understand correctly, God is punishing the United States for passing democratically a health reform passage, smaller in scope and purpose that Medicare and Social Security, by causing an eruption in Iceland?

    Wouldn't making Yellowstone mega volcano erupt hone in on the message? Iceland already has universal healthcare, as do most of Europe.

    I dunno, Rush is neither an idiot or God has horrible accuracy and bad timing.
