Monday, April 12, 2010

No Prop 8 Repeal on the 2010 Ballot

This is not a shock for some of us in Cali-Cal, however, the efforts to put a Prop 8 repeal on the 2010 ballot is dead. Here's the news from a press release I got today:

Love Honor Cherish, which spearheaded an effort to place an initiative on the November 2010 ballot to repeal Proposition 8 and restore equal marriage rights for same-sex couples, announced today that the proponents did not gather the 694,354 signatures necessary to place the proposed initiative on the ballot. The group vowed to work toward the repeal of Prop 8 at the next general election in November 2012.

"This is a heartbreaking moment," said John Henning, Executive Director of Love Honor Cherish. "Despite the dogged efforts of hundreds of volunteers across California, we did not get the signatures we needed within the 150-day window set by the state."

Now, to be real, many of us knew 2010 wasn't the best time. 2012 will a far better date to assess the work and fundraising needed to make this happen. I believe that 2012 is the best time. We need to reach out all over Cali and strengthen connections our allies, as well as, gain new folks on our side.

It will take an unified front to guarantee equality.

More here

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