Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The National Veterans Lobby Day on DADT May 11th

Perhaps a more effective way to get the repeal DADT message across, is coming soon.

The National Veterans Lobby Day on DADT will get hundreds of vets to lobby to end DADT:

On May 11th, 2010, hundreds of veterans from across the United States will descend on Washington, DC with one clear message for Congress – “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) needs to go and it needs to go this year! The National Veterans Lobby Day on DADT, a project of Servicemembers United and the Human Rights Campaign, in partnership with a broad coalition of other pro-military and pro-equality organizations, will take place immediately before the National Defense Authorization Act – the bill that should contain DADT repeal language – is drafted on Capitol Hill. During this critical time, we need all hands on deck. WE NEED YOU to join us in Washington, DC for the National Veterans Lobby Day on DADT to help us tell members of Congress and their staff face-to-face that DADT needs to go, and it needs to go now! ...
Apparently, this has been in the works for awhile. Maybe someone should alert GetEQUAL on this.

Here's more info

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