Sunday, April 11, 2010

Interesting Quote: John McCain

I make that determination by retention and recruitment is at an all-time high, the highest in the history of the all-volunteer force. I get that opinion because I visit with the troops all the time. I go to Iraq, I go to Afghanistan, I run into them everywhere. And of course I don't seek out someone who is gay. Why should I? These are all men and women who are serving. Why should I, that would be nuts. I go up to men and women and I say thanks for serving. I say thank you for serving, you are great Americans, God bless you.

McCain's answer on why he thinks DADT is working.



  1. Asshat.
    Grampa needs to retire.

  2. To say the least what the senator is saying is not a very good answer, and it reeks of political maneuvering.

    But to his central it would be nuts for him to go up and ask them because he would then probably see the error of his ways.

  3. It started out like a very promising speech, it sounded like it was going to lead into "It doesn't matter if they are or not, so they should be able to say". Then it detoured sideways into Prejudiceville.

  4. he needs to come down his anti queer stance re;lates to his homophobia. i bet you there was a homo behind his breading.
