Sunday, April 4, 2010

I Missed The Earthquake

Great Hera!

I missed the earthquake! I was in the gym and I missed it!

They say it was 6.9 quake and folks felt it in Arizona and Mexico.

But how did I miss it? Maybe I was really feeling the 90s House music while I was on the stepper.
I usually imagine I'm on a runway for 40 minutes.

Anywho, I'm upset. I love to feel the quakes. I know, I know it's crazy, but that's me.

Here's more on the earthquake I missed.


  1. Buddy that's TWO you've missed. I think we're having them until you feel one. I'm still feeling like the house is moving.

  2. We were in Pico Rivera at my partner's parents and felt a very light rolling. Heard later it was centered in Mexicali so I can only imagine what the shaking must have been like closer to the border.

  3. Great Hera!!

    I love that you use the phrase "Great Hera!!"

    You work the stepper like a runway??

    Now that is something I would like to se :)

  4. It's wierd - there was also an erthquake here on Saturday. I was walking and did not feel it - but there was a small one!

  5. I totally felt it in the TV room. I yelled out "Earthquake" to my husband and he shouted back "What?" He didn't feel a thing from the kitchen!
