Thursday, April 29, 2010

Childhood Signs of my Gayness

As a kid, I didn't know I was exhibiting so much gay behavior. But when I really think about it, I was really showing my true self.

Here are some examples:
  • Wore my cousin's Wonder Woman underoos.
  • Learned how to do high kicks like a Darcel Wynne in Solid Gold.
  • Wore a towel on my head as a long Cher hair.
  • Played with my cousin's Barbie dolls.
  • Wanting to be Wonder Woman and not Superman.
  • Learned how to Double Dutch instead of playing baseball.
  • Fantasized about being carried away by the Incredible Hulk.
  • Dreamed of making out with Ricky Schroder.
  • Stood outside, holding a bedsheet like a huge cape while the wind blew.
  • Also spinning around like Wonder Woman with the same bedsheet.
  • Wanted to be Private Benjamin.
Yeah, I should have saw the signs earlier.

How about you?


  1. *Wore a towel on my head as a long Cher hair.
    *Played with my cousin's Barbie dolls.
    *Stood outside, holding a bedsheet like a huge cape while the wind blew.

    You're preachin' to the choir!

  2. I do just about everyone of these too. LOL. This brought back the memories!

  3. You are sooooooooooooo gay! LOL

    Ricky Schroeder? geez LOL

  4. Oh my god you and Rickey Shroeder too?! He turned a whole generation of kids into Queens!

  5. I have to do another post like this. There are so MANY for me...It is just ridic.

  6. There is an old saying: When a person comes out of the closet, he or she is the last to know.

    When I came out the reaction from most of my family was: Duh!
