Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bill O'Reilly will Pay the Legal Fees for the Fallen Marine's Dad

A surprised move from a jerk!

Here's the quick and dirty. A father of a fallen U.S. Marine, sued members of the Westboro Baptist Church cult for picketing his son's funeral. Well, the judge ordered the father to pay for Westboro legal fees.

So this prompt some 'goodness' in Bill and now, he will pay the legal fees of the father.
"I will pay Mr. Snyder's obligation," said O'Reilly. "I am not going to let this injustice stand.
Mark this deed, it may not happen again.



  1. The cynical part of me said he's doing it for the press and will boast about it ad nauseum for years to come.
    Still, it is nice.

  2. Wow, very interesting. I think he's playing the support the veterans angle on this. But you just know the WBC will be picketing Bill-O now.

  3. This story just kills me....Grrrr
    but good for Bill whatever his reasons

  4. I'm suspicious of anything he does so there must be a motive or hidden agenda. However I have to say kudos to Bill O for doing this.

  5. At least SOMEONE is saying SOMETHING for these people??

    Us fags are doing SHIT ALL re the Westboro..... makes me SICK !!
