Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another Interesting Quote: Chris Evans

"It is a big responsibility. I'm a little scared, to be honest. I'd be lying if I said anything else, and I have no problem being honest about that. It's intimidating. It's a big responsibility and you want to do your best work. I'm not quite sure what else to say. It was a challenging process for me, trying to decide whether or not to do it. I came down on the side of going for it because I really think Marvel is doing some great things these days, the script is great and it's going to be a fun character to play. He's a wonderful character, just as a man, aside from the comic hero background. If it was just a story about the man, Steve Rogers, I'd be really interested. He's an incredibly noble, honest, selfless man, and those are qualities that I think people can aspire to and look up to."

Cutie Chris talking about being Captain America


  1. I'm not worried about Chris. People have pointed out to me he was the only stand outs in those F4 movies. So I hope they have a good combo of writer and director.
