Tuesday, April 6, 2010

28% of Americans are Idiots

Tea Party folks are this year's (and more to come) super joke.

And, they make up over a quarter of America, according to a new Gallup Poll

The poll results suggest that along several demographic planes --including age, employment status and race-- Tea Party supporters resemble the population at large. 79 percent of Tea Partiers, for example, are "non-Hispanic white", as compared with 75 percent of the entire country.

The poll confirms, however, that Tea Party supporters overwhelmingly skew Republican and conservative. 49 percent of all self-identified Tea Party supporters classified themselves as Republican; a total of 92 percent were either Republican or Independent, with a mere 8 percent identifying themselves as Democrats.

Good Grief!


  1. That is scary...over a quarter? That is a lot. I guess Militia members have come out of hiding just to protest Washington's black President.

  2. By Hermes Staff !! - What Judge Judy said WAS right - touch 3 people and every third one is an idiot ;)

    I am guessing this is a phenom not exclusive to the USA - but WOW - they do go hard when they are doing it !!!

  3. Please - it's more than that. For example I just got thrown under the bus by a gay rights group I was working with.

    Someone had hacked together a facebook account, downloaded my pic and setup a profile in my name.

    Used my yahoo mail account which was attacked a few months ago. I had to have Yahoo reset the password and then when I got in I re-set it again. But Facebook doesn't care. Someone deleted the fake profile but I'd love to know who.

    And this is gay people btw. People used to ask me why I wasn't more involved with the community. Now they have an answer.
