Friday, March 5, 2010

Why Moose Mess will Never be President pt 1

Want to ruin your political career?

Talk to reality show demon creator, Mark Burnett.

Palin and Burnett have been meeting this week to talk about the idea with executives at ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox, according to three broadcast executives, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the networks don't publicly discuss story pitches.

Burnett, one of TV's busiest producers best known for his "Survivor" series on CBS, said he approached the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate with the idea. It will be shot in the style of Discovery's "Planet Earth" show, feasting on the natural beauty of the state where Palin was governor.

"What it's not is a reality show following her around, getting up in the morning or her family and all the salacious stuff," he said.

Palin will visit commercial fishing boats and tour either coal or gold mines and other spots unique to her state. "It's being in and experiencing the great charm and beauty of Alaska with Sarah Palin," he said.

This is ridic. The beauty of Alaska with Sarah Palin? I rather have Dolly Parton show us the beauty of Tennessee.



  1. And explore Alaska's gay scene too lol

  2. Maybe she'll kill a wild animal, cook it, and eat it - LIVE!!

  3. Who would even want to watch this?! Give me Dolly anyday!!

  4. She's an aging prom queen that got a taste of celebrity when she was recruited to make John McCain look cool? Mistake? Yeah! But now, she's got a taste for it and will do anything at all to keep in the limelight. The best thing we could do is just avoid the "Mess". Just like a pile of "$h!#", if we just leave it alone, it will decay and go away! :)

  5. She's working only for more money, so she'd never take a low-level job like president, even if she tought she'd win.

  6. LOL... She's pure trash... I'd rather watch Levi on Reality TV...
