Friday, March 19, 2010

Warners Announces a Super Hero Movie EVERY SUMMER!

Feeling this news!!!

Warners will bring the DC Comic Universe to the screen!
Bleeding Cool reports:

Warner Bros has announced they will be releasing a big superhero movie every summer from Green Lantern in 2011, on. This will replace the Harry Potter franchise in the studi’s budget as that series of films comes to an end.

President & COO of Warner Bros. Entertainment Alan Horn, speaking at Showest, stated “As we ease out of Harry Potter, we hope to bring you the excitement of the DC Library”

Yes, now we should get that Wonder Woman Movie!!!! With Joss Whedon!!!

Thanks to my soul bro, Mechadude for the info.


  1. What movies do you see them doing for the first five years or so? Sadly I doubt it will be Wonder Woman, which sucks! I see them doing Superman, Green Lantern, Flash, Captain Marvel, Green Arrow and Black Canary(together)maybe even Plastic Man.
