Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Want to hear something funny? Summit wants Real Directors to do the final Twilight movie

This is crazy talk, a drunken idea that escaped the bar... Summit wants top-notch directors to finish off the Twilight movie series:

Sources tell EW that the studio has reached out to at least three top-notch directors, including Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation), Gus Van Sant (Milk), and Bill Condon (Dreamgirls) to gauge their interest in what is likely to be two movies. (Van Sant’s reps confirmed that he’s been approached, but Coppola and Condon’s people didn’t return phone calls by press time. Summit declined to comment.)

They got balls, I give them that, however it's kind of insulting to ask these directors.

Maybe Brett Ratner, Joel Schumacher, Uwe Boll or Michael Bay will do it.


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