Tuesday, March 16, 2010

UPDATE! The PA Gay Marriage Ban defeated!

Today, Senator John H. Eichelberger, Jr led a resolution to ban gay marriage in Pennsylvania. Well, 3 Repubs crossed over to defeat the proposal.

The 8-to-6 vote in favor of tabling the measure in the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee leaves the joint resolution on limited life support.

Senator John H. Eichelberger, Jr. first announced he would sponsor the resolution in May of last year but postponed its introduction until January due to the economy, the conservative lawmaker said.

Eichelberger's resolution would insert the following language into the state constitution: “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid and recognized as a marriage in this Commonwealth.”

But three Republican and five Democratic lawmakers disagreed. Joining all the committee's Democrats in killing the resolution were Republicans Pat Browne, Jane Earll and Mary Jo White.

I'm surprised to hear this, but very grateful and hopeful for Pennsylvania.



  1. thanks goodness. this is one of the dimbest bills to introduce in any state. thank you Keystone State!

  2. Hubby though it might go either way. Glad sense and reason won out.

  3. While my home state is oft conservative, we sure can be known for our surprises every now and again. LOL. Don't forget the only reason PA is a blue state is the areas around Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and the state capitol, Harrisburg.
