Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Sad Truth about Teabaggers

Most of you may already knew this, but I thought I would share this.

New York Times has given an insight to the Teabaggers: They are driven by unemployment

The fact that many of them joined the Tea Party after losing their jobs raises questions of whether the movement can survive an improvement in the economy, with people trading protest signs for paychecks.

But for now, some are even putting their savings into work that they argue is more important than a job — planning candidate forums and get-out-the-vote operations, researching arguments about the constitutional limits on Congress and using Facebook to attract recruits.

Jeff McQueen, 50, began organizing Tea Party groups in Michigan and Ohio after losing his job in auto parts sales.

“Being unemployed and having some time, I realized I just couldn’t sit on the couch anymore,” he said. “I had the time to get involved.” He blames the government for his unemployment. “Government is absolutely responsible, not because of what they did recently with the car companies, but what they’ve done since the 1980s,” he said. “The government has allowed free trade and never set up any rules.”

It's sad, because these folks are victims, but it doesn't excuse their foolishness. If the GOP and Sarah Palin really cared, they would try to get them jobs and their lives back on track.



  1. I've thought all along that these "teabaggers" are the result of a bad economy. But that doesn't excuse the fact that they chose to buy into the idea that the Obama administration created, rather than inherited this mess.
    And I do think once the economy turns around, or even starts to turn around, these people will put down their illiterate signs and stop this nonsense.

  2. I don't think they are driven by unemployment, I think it is in a divine comedy kind of way hilarious that they are screaming about the awfulness of big government and heavy taxes but surviving on unemployment checks and every other tax payer's dime.

    Frank Rich has an Op-Ed on the NYT about what really drives them, and I am more inclined to agree with his assertion than to believe that this is all over trade agreements.

    Plus, everyone liked those trade agreements when it resulted in really cheap goods for the US, knowing full well that it comes at the cost of jobs. I would also like to tell Jeff McQueen that Ronald Reagan was in charge for much of the 80s'.

    Also isn't blaming the government for your own problems like the 12th commandment for conservatives. Somebody sounds like a well-fare queen, McQueen. Makes me wonder!

  3. It's ironic, that the guy quoted, mentions this trouble has been going on since the 80s (true), and he complains of free trade and lack of rules.
    Which seems the opposite of Palin and Conservatives that campaign for smaller govt, less intervention, and FREE TRADE.

    So, basically, this is a group without real leadership. Republicans keep jumping in, and trying to be a spokesperson, leader, or lasso the group for their own movement. But the teabaggers are splintered.
    Which is all the better to break up the Republican party.

  4. I can't accept that they were driven by unemployment and a bad economy. They may be unemployed and in a bad way, financially, but they are driven by hate and fear. The earliest incarnations of these "grass roots" groups were sponsored and organized by big Right Wing organizations and established to ruin the Healthcare reform initiative that was the hallmark of the President's plan for Hope and Change. As idiots like Palin, and the Repubs who just say "no" all the time, are afraid of the "hopey changey" ideals that mean progress for our country and our society. They took no responsibility for the cost of 8 years of GWBush and immediately started pointing fingers at President Obama for leading the country to ruin. They may go away because the economy gets better, but I am afraid that the hate and fear that was created by those early healthcare meetings has been fanned by the Repubs ever since and now, everything they do is designed to create sound bites for them to use to create more trouble. I think it is very sad they are too stupid to think for themselves and see how foolish they are, and how ridiculous their beliefs are. But that makes then dangerous. They're sheer adrenaline pumped anger and rage without the benefit of reason. I hope I am wrong, but I think it will get a lot uglier before it gets better.

  5. I'm all for dismantling trade agreements, and discontinuing the H1B visa program.

    But if these people are unemployed why aren't they bitching about the senator trying to block a 1 month extension to benefits?????
