Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Now you can be "Gay" on Xbox

Microsoft banned the words "gay," "straight," "lesbian," "bi" and "transgender" from Xbox because they feared folks would be stupid and act all ridic about it.

Now after listening to the consumers, there's been a change of heart:

Players' Gamertags can now include all the words mentioned above, but the service's updated code of conduct strictly limits the terminology to those five words only. Marc Whitten, Xbox Live's general manager, explained Microsoft's reasoning in an open letter:

Under our previous policy, some of these expressions of self-identification were not allowed in Gamertags or profiles to prevent the use of these terms as insults or slurs. However we have since heard feedback from our customers that while the spirit of this approach was genuine, it inadvertently excluded a part of our Xbox LIVE community.

Hopefully, this is a good start to some positive activity amongst gamers.


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