Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mark Millar was Offered 'X-Men 4' and...

He turned it down :-(

But he has a great reason:
I'm having so much fun creating my own characters and enjoying the control this gives you over the comic-books and the movies that handling an established franchise eems odd to me now. It's tempting, SO tempting for a guy who's been a fanboy as long as he can remember, but I need to stick to my guns.

I want to create the NEXT generation of superheroes over the next few years and going back would, I think, be a mistake.

Vaughn is being offered everything you can imagine too in the wake of Kick-Ass, but we both agreed that keeping complete control is what made Kick-Ass such an amazing experience for both of us. Six big producers have now come forward for Nemesis (I've always said I'm holding off until April 17th before I let CAA take this out) and Vaughn and I already have our next movie planned out, based on a book I'm doing with Leinil Francis Yu in September.

But it's still the friggin' X-Men, guys. Have I gone mad? Was it nuts to turn this down?
No, it was a wise choice. We love your work and look forward for your next creations.
Your fans salute you, Mark.

Here's more info on Mark


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