Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gay student gets a Prom, but gets kicked out of his home

Derrick Martin and his boyfriend are going to their prom in Georgia. The school and the Derrick were celebrated in the media like crazy for this event.

Then the drama set in... Derrick's parents kicked him out because of the hype!

He's staying with a friend for now. However the upside to this news is how the LGBT community is support to him. Folks are offering to pay for everything, making sure Derrick and his boyfriend have a good time.

I hope he stays strong and his parents wake the frak up. This is their child and they should ashamed of their petty actions.

Still stand, derrick!



  1. Further proof that straight parents make the best parents.

  2. Wow... So his friend and the LGBT community care more about this kid's well-being than his parents. Go figure. Such assholes.

  3. I can't even imagine how he feels. What a mess for a eighteen year old man to have to go through.
