Monday, March 15, 2010

Finally, Something Inspired from the Equality March... GetEQUAL

I am happy to hear about this, because I was beginning... well, really I was already thinking the Equality March didn't move much forward, but it inspired a new group...


Our mission at GetEQUAL is simple: to create a movement of everyday people—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and straight—who are dedicated to bringing about full legal and social equality. We believe there are millions of Americans who are tired of waiting and are ready to act. Our goal is to serve and grow this constituency by helping them take strategic, coordinated, bold action to demand equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way.

We know it will take all of us working together to reach our goals, so we seek to create a broad and inclusive community. GetEQUAL will bring together people of every sex, gender, race, class, age, ability, look, religion, family status, or citizenship; those who can contribute in small ways, and those who are able to put themselves on the line. United, we can build a more powerful movement to demand change. We invite you to join us, and ask your friends and family to do the same.

Okay, that's cute, but what sealed the deal for me is this clip of the wonder kid, 10-year-old Will Phillips.

So I hope hey can get this party started.



  1. Only time will tell whether Get Equal is genuine and sincere.

  2. By the way, why are you blogging? Aren't you on vacation?

  3. Once again a truly inspiring message comes from someone far less than half my age. As I said about Constance, youth isn't always wasted on the young.
