Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ellen gives Constance McMillen a hand... And 30K


  1. I saw this yesterday.
    All the more reason to love Ellen--as if I needed another reason. And getting some constance love, too. What a brave, strong girl. What hope for the future of the LGBT community!

  2. Wanda Sykes had Constance McMillen on her show also last saturday. She invited her & her girlfriend to the GLAAD awards to present Wanda's award. The Celebrity lesbians are really rolling out the red carpet for her. Good to See.

  3. I'm so glad to see our lesbian sisters get the spotlight! Too often the media makes it seem that everybody is cool with girl on girl stuff and that they are completely accepted by society and that does a huge disservice to our lesbian sisters who still suffer discrimination every day. So Bravo to Ellen and Wanda Sykes!

  4. I hadn't seen this vid V. Thanks giving it exposure.
