Friday, March 19, 2010

DADT, Rally, Jail and Kathy Griffin

I go to Long Island and drama breaks out! Yesterday, during DADT protest, Lt. Dan Choi spoke and got arrested!

So how did this happen? Well, there are stories, but I trust Chris Geidner's take on it:

Local gay singer-songwriter Tom Goss kicked off the rally with a tune called ''Who We Are,'' specifically written for the cause to repeal the policy.

Kathy Griffin was joined onstage by Army Lt. Daniel Choi, among others. Choi, an Arabic linguist who came out in 2009 during an appearance on The Rachel Maddow Show, has since taken an aggressive, public stand against the DADT policy. He contrasted Griffin's appearance by reminding the few hundred people at the rally that "this is not a joke."

''I'm not asking,'' Choi declared in what has become his oft-repeated refrain, ''I'm telling!''

The rally also included appearances by openly gay veterans Eric Alva and Alex Nicholson, along with HRC President Joe Solmonese and others.

At the rally, Choi informed the crowd that he intended to bring the protest to the White House immediately following the rally. He did just that, walking the few blocks to the White House where he and veteran James Pietrangelo II, also gay, chained themselves to the front-lawn fence of the White House fence.

Just before 2 p.m. -- following three warnings from police instructing the pair to remove themselves from the fence -- the two were arrested. Police removed them from the fence and escorted them into a United States Park Police van.

Well, that's something. As I said there are more stories on this, check out Joe's take as well?

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