Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cry Me a River, Rep. Jason Chaffetz!

Rep. Jason Chaffetz is an asshole, but y'all knew that.

However, today he's whining about D.C.'s gay marriage, claiming nobody worked hard enough to stop it.

"Weak and uncoordinated" were the adjectives Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican, used to describe his party's efforts.

Mr. Chaffetz, a member of a House subcommittee that oversees the District's operations, was congressional Republicans' de facto spokesman on attempts to overturn the law. He said that the D.C. Defense of Marriage Act (H.R. 2608), which was introduced in May after the D.C. Council voted to recognize gay marriages performed elsewhere, should have received more than 63 co-sponsors.

"It's a little disappointing," he added, "that more wasn't done."

Whatever, freak! Do some work in your own state and get a frakking life!



  1. More telling is the frequent use by Republican talking point of State's Rights. In fact, Chaffetz personally lauded local governing in January saying: "Thirty-one times in a row when it has come up for a vote in the states, traditional marriage has always won."

    But I suppose D.C. is different because it's not a state right?

    I call him out on his hypocrisy.

  2. They really should move DC from a district to statehood. Then we could stop congress from trying to assert their will on the people of the city.

  3. Oh, I see that freshmen douchebag from Utah that sleeps on a cot in his Congressional office is speaking out something he has no business in. Why don't he take his cheap and small-minded ass and sit down somewhere. Nosy ass bastard!

  4. Someone needs to remind this fool that he represents UTAH not DC!
